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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Shape Up For The Summer

This is me in Hawaii soaking up some sun, before I lost over 100 pounds.
This is me after, at an annual Sweetheart's Ball with some friends.
We had so much fun, I felt like a princess!
This is me and my wonderful husband after enjoying our meal.

After losing weight I feel so much better. I feel free! Here are some tips for losing weight and getting in shape.

Start with small changes in your diet, so that you are not so overwhelmed and more likely to stick with it. The first change I made was to change from whole milk to skim milk or 1% milk.

Drink at least 8, 8-ounce glasses of water a day. If water is not your favorite, add lemon to it or try drinking decaffeinated tea or drinking crystal light which has no sugar or calories. Another thing you can do to stay hydrated is try sugar free popsicles. I love them.

Get 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise most days of the week, at least 5 to 6. To build muscle mass and help speed up your metabolism do some strength training exercises 2 to 3 times a week, alternating muscle groups.

Mix up your exercise routine so you don't get bored. I like to ride my bike, jog, roller skate, power walk, do step aerobics, Pilate's and yoga. If you can find a friend to workout with that's even better.

Another way to speed up your metabolism is to eat 5 to 6 nutritious meals a day, roughly every three hours.

Cut back on fried foods and fast foods. Did you know a Quarter Pounder Meal at McDonalds is about 1400-1500 calories. Woman are only supposed to have 2000 calories or less a day and men are supposed to have no more than 2500 calories a day.

Meals and snacks should be a combination of good carbohydrates (like fruits and vegetables) and proteins.

Stay away from prepackaged and processed food as much as possible.

Stay away from anything white in your diet such as white bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. They are packed with sugar. The more sugar you eat the more you crave.

Did you know your waist in inches should be no more than half your height?

If your BMI is over 24.9 your are considered overweight. Do something about it now before you become obese like I was. (Not a pretty site)!

Stay away from over the counter drugs and prescription medications that claim to help you lose weight. Losing weight naturally is always best. Prescription medications help you lose weight quickly but once you stop taking them you gain the weight back quickly and you gain twice as much as you lost. I know!! You didn't need any drugs to help you gain weight, you don't need them to help you lose it. Just a little work!!

Love Your Heart and Make a changes in your lifestyle today. After all, Your heart is the only one you'll ever have.


  1. You are truly inspiring!!! Thanks for all of the tips!!!

  2. I've been trying to do just that in the last year... I don't know if I've lost any weight, but I do feel better :)

  3. Good stuff & congrats on the weight loss. :)
    I tried the eating several small meals thing. I ate snacks like apples or a yogurt cup every 1.5 hours. Holy cow, the weight dropped off and my energy went through the roof. After two weeks of that, I missed a meal due to work & got a massive headache and shakes. I then stopped eating like that....

  4. Wow you gave me a lot of information!!

  5. That is awesome! My mom did the Weight Watchers way and lost 100 lbs. It is so inspiring to hear success stories. Well time to dig into the cobbler you made! lol
